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通率圖 plot,flux
雙對數圖 plot,log-log
徑向圖 plot,radial
半對數圖 plot,semilog
繪圖器 plotter
函數繪圖器 plotter,function
作圖 plotting
犁頭〔美國原子爆炸和平用途研究計畫代號〕 Plowshare
耕犁計畫〔美國原子能和平用途之研究計畫〕 Plowshare program
普林斯頓大環形槽 PLT (Princeton Large Torus)
塞;插頭 plug
塞籠 plug cage
塞閥 plug valve
氣孔塞 plug,air flow
液體孔道塞 plug,fluid
柵格塞 plug,grid
砲障壁式塞子 plug,gun-barrier type
鉛塞 plug,lead
裝料棒塞 plug,loading
反應器頂塞 plug,reactor top
迴轉塞子 plug,rotating
試樣進孔塞 plug,sample-entry
屏蔽塞 plug,shield
屏蔽塞 plug,shielding
放射性源運輸容器 plug,shipping
分離塞 plug,split
階梯式塞子 plug,stepped
觀察塞 plug,viewing
塞住 plugging
封塞迴路 plugging loop
插入單元 plug-in unit
管工程 plumbing
鈮酸釔鉛嘆q plumboniobite
鉛 plumbum
(一)煙羽(二)〔核爆〕水柱 plume;column
柱塞 plunger
柱塞泵 plunger pump
複式產生 plural production
複散射 plural scattering
倒置脈衝 pluse, inverted
冥王星 pluto
冥王星計畫〔美國核動力飛機之研究計畫〕 Pluto project
鈽 plutonium
鈽空縣氣懸膠體偵測器 plutonium aerosol monitor
鈽合金 plutonium alloy
鈽彈 plutonium bomb
鈽收益〔記帳〕 plutonium credit
鈽循環 plutonium cycle
二氧化鈽 plutonium dioxide
鈽分裂 plutonium fission
氟化鈽 plutonium fluorination
鈽液金屬溶液 plutonium liquid metal solutions
鈽金屬 plutonium metal
氧化鈽 plutonium oxide
鈽壓力 plutonium pressure
鈽生產反應器 plutonium production reactor
鈽反應器 plutonium reactor
鈽再循環 plutonium recycle
鈽徨試驗反應器 plutonium recycle test reactor
鈽自持過程 plutonium self sustaining process
平衡〔濃度〕鈽 plutonium,equilibrum
燃料級鈽 plutonium,fuel-grade
去除鈽 plutonium,reject
低含量鈽 plutonium,trace-level
鈽濃化燃料 plutonium-enriched fuel
鈽反應器 plutonium-only reactor
雙氧鈽根;鈽醢 plutonyl
位置調節器 PM (position modulator)
PN接合 PN junction
充氣蛙衣 pneumatic frogsuit
氣動儀器和控制 pneumatic instrument and control
氣動管路 pneumatic piping
氣動活塞 pneumatic piston
氣動動力 pneumatic power
氣送照射梭孔 pneumatic rabbit hole
氣動座滲漏試驗 pneumatic seet leakage test
氣動溫度控制器 pneumatic temperature controller
氣動試驗 pneumatic test
氣動恆溫槽 pneumatic thermostates
氣動工具 pneumatic tools
氣動閥 pneumatic valve
位置 Po (position)
控制棒驅動活塞上的壓力 PO (pressure over CRD drive piston)
電廠運轉與改善 PO&B (plant operation and betterment)
袖珍電池偵測器 pocket battery monitor
袖珍〔游離〕腔 pocket chamber
袖珍劑量計 pocket dosimeter
袖珍離子腔 pocket ion chamber
袖珍偵測器 pocket monitor
袖珍型游離腔 pocket type ionization chamber
點 point
點電荷 point charge
點計數管 point counter tube
點核仁方法 point kernel method
點格 point lattice
點模式警報指示器 point module alarm indicatior
出點 point of emergence
照射點 point of irradiation
混合點 point of mixing
點源 point source
沸點 point,boiling
破裂點 point,breakaway
電暈放電尖端 point,corona
臨界點 point,critical
交點;交越點 point,crossover
切斷點 point,cut-off
瀰散點 point,dispersion
實驗點 point,experimental
供給點 point,feed
游離電位;游離點 point,firing
著火點 point,flash
溢流點 point,flooding
自由質點 point,free mass
凝固點 point,freezing
熔合點;融合溫度 point,fusion
爆心投影點;地面零點 point,ground zero
拐點;迴折點 point,inflection
初沸點 point,initial boiling
晶格節點 point,lattice
負載點 point,loading
磁節點 point,magnetic nodal
熔點 point,melting
綱點 point,mesh
節點 point,nodal
規一化點 point,normalization
工作點 point,operating
褶點 point,plait
參考點 point,reference
鞍點 point,saddle
取樣點 point,sampling
設定點 point,set
放電針 point,spray
過渡點 point,transition
廢料出口處 point,waste-withdrawal
零點 point,zero
指針 pointer
毒物;中子吸收劑 poison
毒物係數 poison coefficient
毒物廉 poison curtain
毒物限值 poison limit
毒物範圍 poison range
黑體毒物 poison,black
可燃毒物 poison,burnable
分裂〔產物〕毒物 poison,fission(-product)
液體毒物 poison,fluid
同位素毒物 poison,isotope
中子毒物 poison,neutron
放射性毒物 poison,radioactive
反應器毒物 poison,reactor
自屏蔽可燃毒物 poison,self-shielding burnable
毒化 poisoning
毒化計算機 poisoning computer
反應器毒化 poisoning of a reactor
觸媒劑毒化 poisoning of catalysts
反應器毒化 poisoning of the reactor
毒化預測器 poisoning predictor
冷卻劑中毒 poisoning,coolant
〔氙〕平衡中毒 poisoning,equilibrium(xenon)
分裂產物中毒 poisoning,fission-product
碎片中毒 poisoning,fragment
長期中毒 poisoning,long-term
中子中毒 poisoning,neutron
最高中毒 poisoning,peak
瞬發中毒 poisoning,prompt
輻射中毒 poisoning,radiation
放射性中毒 poisoning,radioactive
相對中毒 poisoning,relative
共振中毒 poisoning,resonance
穩定狀態中毒 poisoning,steady-state
熱中子中毒 poisoning,thermal-neutron
馱互r poisoning,uranium
氙中毒 poisoning,xenon
毒化效應 poisonous effect
帕松比 Poisson's ratio
極線 polar
極性 polarity
極性裝置 polarity device
偏極性 polarity,deflection
反極性 polarity,reversed
可極化性 polarizability
〔偏〕極化 polarization
氘核極化 polarization of deuteron
介子〔偏〕極化 polarization of mesons
圓偏極;圓偏振 polarization,circular
核極化 polarization,nuclear
〔平〕面偏振 polarization,plane
極化 polarize
極化射柱 polarized beam
極化離子鍵 polarized ionec bond
極化牟子 polarized muons
極化中子 polarized neutron
極化中子柱 polarized neutron beam
極化原子核 polarized nucleus
極化電勢 polarizing potential
極化電壓 polarizing voltage
極化電壓裝置 polarizing voltage device
極譜 polarogram
極譜儀;旋光計 polarograph
極 pole
極間隙 pole gap
極極 pole,magnet
極面 pole-face
極零對消 pole-zero cancellation
極零圖表 pole-zero plot
污染物 pollutant
污染 pollute
污染 pollution
污染因數 pollution factor
污染負載量 pollution loading amount
空氣污染 pollution,airborne
垂環e線圈 poloid e coil
垂環貝他值 poloidal beta value
垂環場 poloidal field
垂環螺旋場 poloidal helical field
釙 polonium
釙鈹〔中子〕源 polonium-beryllium source
鈮鉭酸稀土嘆q polycrase;polycrasite
多晶體 polycrystal
多晶體 polycrystalline
紅血球過多症 polycythermia
多電子 polyelectrons
多能輻射 polyenergetic radiation
聚乙烯 polyethylene
聚合物 polymer
長鏈聚合物 polymer,long-chain
聚合作用 polymerization
聚合 polymerize
多形核白血球 polymorphnuclear leucocyte
多項式 polynom(ial)
剩餘多項式 polynom(ial),residual
多核的 polynuclear
多相電壓 polyphase voltage
多相電流 polyphase-current
波里費姆斯〔一計畫代稱〕 Polyphemus
位置調節器 PoM (position modulator)
水池反應器 pond
冷卻池 pond,cooling
氧化池 pond,oxidation
澄清池 pond,retention
噴水池 pond,spray
貯藏池 pond,storage
可秤之量 ponderable amount
池;槽 pool
池水冷卻系統 pool pooling system
水池反應器 pool reactor
池工具附屬物 pool tool accessories
池邊走道 pool walk
國際原子聯營 Pool,International Atomic
國際原子能聯營 Pool,Interriational Atomic Energy
鈉池 pool,sodium
不良形體;不良幾何關係 poor geometry
不連貫的聲音 pop
急速閉合 pop-closed
徑跡數目 poplation,track
急速開啟 pop-open
(一)提動(二)裝軸臺 poppet
提動閥 poppet valve
爆裂點容限 popping-point tolerance
波培〔一種阿伐計數管之代稱〕 Poppy
人口 population
原子密度 population atomic
人口中心 population center
人口中心距離 population center distance
人口密度 population density
人口劑量 population dose
能階個數 population of level
參數群 population of parameters
乳膠徑跡數 population,film track
中子密度 population,neutron
照射孔道 porat,irradiation
多孔性 porosity
多孔性產生 porosity generation
多孔障壁 porous barrier
多孔擴散 porous diffusion
多孔燃料粒核仁 porous fuel particle kernal
多孔膜 porous membrane
多孔性反應器 porous reactor
通口 port
入孔 port,access
射束孔道 port,beam
準直儀口 port,collimator
實驗孔道 port,experiment
沖洗孔 port,flushing
燃料口 port,fuel
手套孔 port,glove
中子孔道 port,neutron
中子治療孔道 port,neutron therapy
觀察孔 port,observation
試樣孔 port,sample
試樣送入孔 port,specimen-insertion
治療用孔道 port,treatment
觀測孔 port,viewing
手提空氣取樣機 portable air sampling machine
手提化學滅火機 portable chemical fire extinguisher
可提游離腔 portable ionization chamber
手提線性計數率計 portable linear ratemeter
手提探勘輻射計 portable prospecting radiation meter
手提抽氣機 portable suction fan
出入口監測器 portal-gate monitor
孔道 port-hole
部分 portion
上升部分 portion,incremental
下降部分 portion,sloping
卜特蘭水泥 Portland cement
位置 position
變位機;位置改變 position changing
位置回授 position feedback
位置指示燈 position indication light
位置指示器 position indicator
位置指示探針 position indicator probe
位置燈 position light
(一)位置吸引高度(二)位置吸引升力 position suction head
位置開關 position switch
位置傳送器 position transmitter
吸收位置 position,absorbing
全插入位置 position,all-in
全抽出位置 position,all-out
原子位置 position,atomic
豎起位置 position,cocked
晶格平衡位置 position,equilibrium lattice
指示井位置 position,indication well
格隙位置 position,interstitial
晶格位置 position,lattice
空泡 position,open
工作位置 position,operating
參考位置 position,reference
急停位置 position,scram
標準位置 position,standrard
未占位置 position,unoccupied
空位 position,vacant
晶格中的空位 position,vacant lattice
定位器 positioner
〔控制〕棒定位器 positioner,rod
定位 positioning
射柱定位 positioning,beam
位置感測訊道 position-sensing channel
位置靈敏偵檢器 position-sensitive detector
正 positive
正吸收 positive absorption
正貝他衰變 positive beta decay
正貝他粒子 positive beta particle
正電荷 positive charge
正排量式泵 positive displacement pump
正電子;陽電子 positive electron
正回授;反饋 positive feedback
正離子 positive ion
正離子射柱 positive ion beam
正核 positive nucleus
正性選輯 positive polarity logic
正極 positive pole
正壓封水管 positive pressure seal line
陽極射線 positive rays;canal rays
正反應度 positive reactivity
正反應度加〔插〕入 positive reactivity insertion
正開關信號 positive switch signal
正溫度系數 positive temperature coefficient
正價 positive valence
正子;正電子 positon;positron
正子互毀 positron annihilation
正子發射 positron emission
正子發射體 positron emitter
正子掃描 positron scan
正子;正電子 positron;positon
正子衰變 positron-decay
正子-電子互毀 positron-electron annihilation
正負電子偶 positronium
單線正負電子偶;獨態正負電子偶 positronium,singlet
三重線正負電子偶;三重態正負電子偶 positronium,triplet
正子輻射體 positrons radiator
室;柱 post
控制室 post,control
觀察站 post,observation
後加速 postacceleration
事故後 post-accident
事故後圍阻冷卻 post-accident containment cooling
事故後地震加速度 post-accident earthquake accileration
事故後氫之控制 post-accident hydrogen control
事故後檢視 post-accident surveillance
事故後追蹤 post-accident tracking
劑量後 postdose
腹背透視攝影術 posterior projection
後前圖 posterior-anterior view
引入後 postinjection
照射後 postirradiation
照射後退火;照射後迴火 postirradiation annealing
照射後冷卻 post-irradiation cooling
照射後檢查 postirradiation examination
運轉後 postoperation
加工後;處理後 postprocessing
後處理槽 post-treatment tank
假設 postulate
假設事故 postulated accident
假設事故條件 postulated accident condition
假設控制棒落下事故 postulated control rod drop accident
假設之設計準事故 postulated design basis accident
假設截斷破裂 postulated guillotine break
假設冷卻劑流失事故 postulated LOCA
假設破裂 postulated rupture
假設蒸汽管破裂 postulated steam line break
槽 pot
反應器槽 pot,reactor
鉀 potassium
氯化鉀 potassium chloride
鉻酸鉀 potassium chromate
硫酸鉀 potassium sulphate
鉀-氬年積 potassium-argon ages
〔潛在〕能力 potency
電位;電壓 potential
潛在事故 potential accident
電位引力 potential attractive force
電位障壁 potential barrier;potential hill
電位曲線 potential curve
潛在水壩損壞 potential dam failures
電位圖 potential diagram
位能差;電位差 potential difference
位能 potential energy
轉換潛力 potential for diversion
電位梯度 potential gradient
勢差;位〔置高〕差 potential head
電位障壁 potential hill;potential barrier
電位躍升 potential jump
潛在射出物 potential missile
潛在尖峰冷卻劑濃度 potential peak coolant concentration
電位平線區 potential plateau
電位井 potential pot
電位散射 potential scattering
電位槽 potential trough
電位井 potential well
加速電壓 potential,accelerating
絕熱電勢 potential,adiabatic
吸引力勢 potential,attractive
位壘;勢壘 potential,barrier
恆定電壓 potential,constant
庫侖電勢 potential,coulomb
D型盒電勢 potential,dee
消游離電位 potential,deionization
電極勢 potential,electrode
交換電位 potential,exchange
激發電位 potential,excitation
消〔游離〕電位 potential,extincition
第一游離電勢 potential,first ionization
離子電位 potential,ionic
游離電位 potential,ionization
游離電位 potential,ionizing
長程力勢 potential,long-range
長尾勢 potential,long-tailed
核勢能;核位能 potential,nuclear
氧化還原電位 potential,oxidation-reduction
量子勢 potential,quantum
還原氧化電位 potential,redox
參考勢 potential,reference
排斥勢 potential,repulsive
共振電位 potential,resonance
延遲勢 potential,retarding
第二游離電位 potential,second ionization
分離電位 potential,separation
方井勢 potential,square-well
阻止電位;遏止電勢 potential,stopping
靶切斷電壓 potential,target cutoff
低限電壓 potential,threshold
二值勢 potential,two-value
氙毒克制潛力 potential,xenon-override
湯川位能 potential,Yukawa
零電位 potential,zero
潛在可收回剩餘物 potentially recoverable scrap
電位器〔計〕 potentiometer
自平衡電位計 potentiometer,self-balancing
電壓穩定器 potentiostat
玻特-巴克膜片 Potter-Bucky diaphragm
玻特-巴克柵袋 Potter-Bucky grid
袋 pouch
運輸袋 pouch,transfer
活塞上端進口 p-over port
粉末 powder
粉末照相機 powder camera
粉末冶金 powder metallurgy
粉末法 powder method
粉末繞射像 powder pattern
粉末繞射照 powder photograph
準流體粉末 powder,fluidized
燐光體粉末 powder,phosphor
樹脂 powdex
必v;動力 power
電力協議 power agreement
動力放大器 power amplifier
動力滋生反應器 power breeder reactor
電力電纜 power cable
電力中心 power centers
必v係數 power coefficient
反應度的必v係數 power coefficient of reactivity
必v控制 power control
動力控制迴路 power control loop
必v控制元件 power control member
動力控制棒 power control rod
電力轉換系統 power conversion system
必v密度 power density
必v分布 power distribution
發電系統;動力產生系統 power eneration system
動力脫羈;必v陡升 power excursion
必v因數;它] power factor
必v因數電驛 power factor relay
必v產生;發電 power generation
必v產生設計基準 power generation design basis
必v產生設計準則 power generation design criteria
必v產生評估 power generation evaluation
必v階位 power level
必v階位控制 power level control
必v階位偵檢器 power level detector
必v階位安全系統 power level safety system
必v運轉 power operation
必v過度 power override
必v尖峰因數 power peaking factor
單位面積必v值 power per unit area
電廠 power plant
電廠設計 power plant design
電廠起動 power plant startup
必v範圍 power range
必v〔階段〕控道 power range channel
必v範圍偵檢器 power range detector
必v階段運轉 power range operation
必v比較器線路 power rate comparator circuit
必v額定值 power rating
必v比 power ratio
動力反應器 power reactor
動力整流器 power rectifier
必v減少 power reduction
動力電驛 power relay
動力頂通風器 power roof ventilator
必v頓挫 power setback
必v形態 power shape
必v譜 power spectrum
電力供應 power supplies
電力供應遮斷器 power supply breaker
電力供應頻率 power supply frequency
電力供應重複設施 power supply redundancy
電源供應裝置 power supply unit
電源電壓 power supply voltage
電力系統 power system
必v試驗 power test
必v試驗計畫 power test program
必v變壓器比 power transformer ratio
必v暫態 power transient
吸收能力 power, absorbing
吸收本領 power,absorption
吸收本領 power,absorptive
內聚力 power,adhesive
原子能 power,atomic
原子阻止本領;原子阻擋本領 power,atomic stopping
貝他強度 power,beta
貝他、加馬強度 power,beta-gamma
圍包必v power,blanket
產熱率 power,calorie
產熱率 power,calorific
化學能 power,chemical
碰撞阻止本領;碰撞阻擋本領 power,collision stopping
結合能力 power,complexing
傳統電能 power,conventional
設計必v power,design
耗散必v power,dissipated
經濟核動力 power,economic nuclear
電必v power,electric
電子阻止本領;電子阻擋能力 power,electron-stopping
發射能力 power,emanating
發射率;發射本領 power,emissive
等效阻止本領;等效阻擋本領 power,equivalent stopping
激發必v power,exciting
萃取能力 power,extraction
可萃取能力 power,extractive
分裂產生必v;原子能 power,fission(-produced)
分裂產物必v power,fission-product
熔合必v power,fusion
熱必v power,heat
工業用核子動力 power,industrial nuclear
瞬間必v power,instantaneous
游離本領 power,ionizing
直線阻擋本領;直線阻止本領 power,linear stopping
局部必v power,local
發光必v power,luminous
巨觀慢化能力 power,macroscopic slowing-down
磁力 power,magnet
質量阻擋本領;質量阻止本領 power,mass stopping
緩和能力 power,moderating
分子阻擋本領;分子阻止本領 power,molecular stopping
淨必v power,net
中子必v power,neutron
核動力 power,nuclear
穿透本領 power,penetrating
反應器必v power,pile
泵必v power,pumping
輻射必v power,radiated
輻射必v power,radiation
額定必v power,rated
反應器必v power,reactor
反射能力 power,reflecting
反射能力 power,reflection
(一)鑑別本領(二)鑑別率 power,resolving
散射率 power,scattered
散射本領 power,scattering
分離率 power,separating
分離率 power,separative
服役必v power,service
慢化能力 power,slowing-down
源必v;源強度 power,source
必v比度 power,specific
備用必v power,stand-by
阻擋本領;阻止本領 power,stopping
熱必v power,thermal
熱核必v power,thermonuclear
跳脫必v power,trip
有用必v power,useful
耗損必v power,wasted
必v流程圖 power-flow map
必v流量運轉圖 power-flow operating map
通電時電力試驗 power-on electric test
自備電源計數器 powerpack counter
生產動力 power-producing
必v和流量比 power-to-flow ratio
必v空泡迴路穩度 power-void loop stability
普林斯頓電漿物理實驗室 PPPL (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
工程品質方案手冊 PQPM (project quality program manual)
機率性危險度分析;安全度分析 PRA (probabilistic risk analysis)
實際射程 practical range
實用系統 practical system
蒲蘭陀數 Prantl number
鐠 praseodymium
吸入壓力 preaaure,suction
加速前 pre-acceleration
預納過濾系統 pre-access filtration system
事故前地震加速度 pre-accident earthquake acceleration
前置放大器 pre-amplifier
前置放大器雜訊 preamplifier noise
防護措施;防備 precaution
旋進;進動 precess
旋進;進動 precession
拉莫旋進 precession,Larmor
預充壓力 precharge pressure
沉澱性 precipitability
沉澱劑 precipitant
(一)沉澱物(二)〔使〕沉澱 precipitate
凝集表面電荷 precipitate surface charge
載體沉澱 precipitate,carrier
預成沉澱物 precipitate,preformed
沉澱;析出 precipitation
沉澱硬化 precipitation hardening
沉澱硬槽 precipitation tank
沉澱單位〔裝置〕 precipitation unit
下落風;胃中沉積之氣體 precipitation wind
吸附沉澱 precipitation,absorptive
載體沉澱〔作用〕 precipitation,carrier
靜電沉積 precipitation,electrostatic
沉澱器 precipitator
靜電濾器;靜電沉澱器 precipitator,electric
靜電沉澱器 precipitator,electrostatic
精密度 precision
分析精密度 precision of analysis
精密脈衝器 precision pulser
預敷 precoat
預敷槽 precoat tank
預凝器 precondenser
初期污染 precontamination
預冷器 precooler
母核;母質 precursor
母核-產物關係 precursor-product relation
遲延中子母核 precursors,delayed-neutron
草圖 predesign
初步設計 predesinging
先期爆炸 predetonation
預解離 predissociation
〔照射〕劑量前 predose
預先設立限度 pre-established limit
優先吸收 preferential absorption
優先再結合 preferential recombination
喜好定向 preferred orientation
預濾器 prefilter
預先聚焦 prefocusing
靜電預聚焦 prefocusion,electrostatic
預成沉澱物 preformed precipitare
母核 pregnant nucleus
預熱 preheat
預熱器 preheater
蒸汽-水預熱器 preheater,steam-towater
預加熱 preheating
游離前 pre-ionization
照射前 pre-irradiation
初期調查 preliminary investigation
炸彈提前爆炸 premature explosion of bomb
試轉前 preoperation
運轉前 pre-operation
運轉前放大器 preoperational amplifier
運轉前測試 preoperational testing
預備 preparation
薄膜製備 preparation of thin films
放射性製備 preparation,radioactive
樣品製備 preparation,sample
處理前 pre-processing
先脈衝發出 prepulsing
預選時間 preselected time
現值 present worth
現值成本形態 present worth cost pattern
現值因子 present worth factor
預設器具 preset apparatus
預設計數 preset count
預設時間 preset time
預先設定 pre-setting
壓擠燒結操作 press sintering precess
壓力 pressure
壓力鐘 pressure bell
壓力邊界 pressure boundary
壓力升高測試 pressure built-up test
壓力係數 pressure coefficient
反應度壓力係數 pressure coefficient of reactivity
壓力控制 pressure control
壓力控制器信號 pressure controller signal
加壓擴散 pressure diffusion
加壓蒸餾 pressure distillation
壓力降 pressure drop
壓力降試驗 pressure drop test
壓力平衡閥 pressure equalizing valve
壓力平衡閥 pressure equation valve
加壓沖洗 pressure flush
壓力鋒 pressure front
壓力計 pressure gauge
壓力頭;壓〔力高〕差 pressure head
壓力儀器 pressure instrument
壓力互鎖 pressure interlock
壓力計 pressure meter
壓力預敷式 pressure precoat
壓力預敷過濾器 pressure precoat filter
壓力脈動 pressure pulsation
壓力額定 pressure rating
壓力記錄器 pressure recorders
壓力調節器 pressure regulator
壓力調節器設定點 pressure regulator setpoint
釋壓系統 pressure relief system
壓力安全限度 pressure safety limit
加壓砂濾器 pressure sand filter
壓力設定值 pressure setting
壓力抑制 pressure suppression
壓力抑制槽 pressure suppression chamber
壓力抑制容器 pressure suppression container
壓力抑制圍阻 pressure suppression containment
抑壓一次圍阻 pressure suppression primary contain
壓力抑制系統 pressure suppression system
壓力遽增 pressure surge
壓力開關 pressure switch
壓力開關操作 pressure switch operator
壓力試驗 pressure test
壓力轉換器 pressure transducer
壓力傳送器 pressure transmitter
壓力管 pressure tube
壓力管式反應器 pressure tube type reactor
壓力式反應器 pressure type reactor
壓力槽反應器 pressure vessel reactor
絕對壓力 pressure,absolute
大氣壓力 pressure,barometric
鍋爐壓力 pressure,bioler
局限磁壓;收縮磁壓 pressure,cofining magnetic
計數器壓力 pressure,counter
壓力降;壓差 pressure,differential
排氣壓力 pressure,exhaust
高壓 pressure,high
入口壓力 pressure,inlet
低壓 pressure,low
磁壓 pressure,magnetic
正常溫度和壓力 pressure,normal temperature and
電漿壓力 pressure,plasma
輻射壓力 pressure,radiation
標準溫度、壓力 pressure,standard temperature and
穩定態壓力 pressure,steady-state
次氣壓 pressure,sub-atmospheric
試驗壓力 pressure,test
蒸汽壓力;汽壓 pressure,vapour
壓力操作控制 pressure-operated control valve
壓力釋放閥 pressure-operated relief valve
壓力操作開關 pressure-operated switch
超壓管破裂 pressure-over line break
壓力預敷式濾器 pressure-precoat type filter
減壓閥 pressure-reducing valve
釋壓閥 pressure-relief valve
壓力管反應器 pressure-tube reactor
低壓管破裂 pressure-under line break
加壓 pressurization
加壓容器 pressurization of vessel
加壓溫度 pressurization temperature
加壓暫態 pressurization transient
加壓鍋濾器 pressurized can filter"
" pressurized casing
加壓通氣游離腔 pressurized gas flow ionization chamber
加壓重水反應器 pressurized heavy water reactor
加壓反應器 pressurized reactor
加壓槽 pressurized-tank
加壓器 pressurizer
壓力升高 pressurizing
水壓密合 pressurizing,hydraulic
氣動密合 pressurizing,pneumatic
預力混凝土 pre-stressed concrete
預力系統 prestressing system
加壓 presurize
初步加工 pretreat
預處理 pretreatment
預處理槽 pre-treatment tank
預防;防護 prevention
事故防護;安全技術 prevention,accident
電暈防護 prevention,corona
(一)原線圈(二)原始的 primary
一次彎曲 primary bending
原始爆炸效應 primary blast effects
主迴路 primary circuit
主圍路 primary containment
主圍阻完整性 primary containment integrity
主圍阻滲漏率 primary containment leak rate
主圍阻偵測系統 primary containment monitor system
主圍阻壓力 primary containment pressure
主冷卻劑 primary coolant
主冷卻劑迦路 primary coolant cir-cuit
主冷卻系統 primary cooling system
原始宇宙線 primary cosmic rays
初期蠕變 primary creep;initial
主岔口應力 primary crotch stress
原始電子 primary electron
原始發射 primary emission
主反饋 primary feedbask
主濾器;初級過濾 primary filter
原始分裂碎片 primary fission frag-ment
原始分裂產物 primary fission pro-duct
原始分裂產率 primary fission yield
主熱交換器 primary heat exchan-ger
原始離子 primary ion
原始離子對 primary ion pair
原始游離 primary ionization
原始游離事件 primary ionization event
主局部膜片 primary local membr-ance
主膜片應力 primary membrance stress
原始天然放射核種 primary natural radio-nuclide
主中子源 primary neutron source
原始粒子 primary particle
主防護障壁 primary protctive barrier
原始輻射 primary radiation
原始放射核種 primary radionuclide
主反應器 primary reactor
主反應器系統質量 primary reactor system
主分離法 primary separation pro-cess
主屏蔽 primary shielding
主側 primary side
原始游離比度 primary specific ionization
主系統 primary system
一次水 primary water
原始X射線 primary X-rays
主產率 primary yield
負電荷基本粒子 primary, negative
主量子數 principal quantum number
原理;定律 principle
輔助性原理 principle complemen-tarity
最小作用原理 principle of least ac-tion
交錯梯度聚焦原理 principle, alternating gradient focus
對應原理 principle, correspon-dence
不相容原理 principle, exclusion
海增白測不準原理 principle, Heisenberg uncertainty
質能當量原理 principle, mass-energy equivalent
庖立不相容原理 principle, Pauli's exclu-sion
強聚焦原理 principle, strong-focussing
測不準原理;不確定原理 principle, uncertainty
變分原理 principle, variational
測不準原理;不確定原理 principle,indeterminate
印刷 printing
螢光印刷法 printing, phosphor
事前機率;居先機率 prior probability
鈮鈦酸鈰釔礦 priorite
必v範圍偵測器 PRM (power range monitor)
程序輻射偵測器 PRM (process radiation monitor)
機率性分析 probabilistic analysis
機率性危險度分析;安全度分析 probabilistic risk ana-lysis(PRA)
機率 probability
機率分布 probability distribution
每吸收逃逸機率 probability of escape per absorption
蛻變機率 probability, disintegra-tion
發射機率 probability, emission
逃逸機率 probability, escape
快中子不漏機率 probability, fast-neutron non-leakage
第一飛行碰撞機率 probability, first-flight collision
重複分裂機率 probability, iterated fission
不漏失機率 probability, non-leakage
穿透機率 probability, penetration
勢壘穿透機率 probability, potential-barrier penetration
共振逃逸機率 probability, resonance escape
單粒子穿透機率 probability, single-parti-cle transition
黏附機率 probability, sticking
熱中子不漏機率 probability, thermal-neutron non-lookage
過渡機率;躍遷機率 probability, transition
可機誤差 probable error
可能最大泛水〔水災〕 probable maximum flood
可能最大起伏 probable maximum surge
可能最大海嘯水災 probable maximum tsunami flooding
探針 probe
探針計數器 probe counter
探針管 probe tube
探針設備 probe unit
劑量計探針 probe, dosimeter
賒瓷虷??敦w probe, G-M
磁探針 probe, magnetic
輻射探針 probe, radiation
閃爍探針 probe, scintilation
套管游離探針 probe, thimle-ioniza-tion
試探 probing
問題 problem
多體問題 problem, many-boby
運轉問題 problem, operational
平面問題 problem, plane
隨機問題 problem, stochastic
三體庫侖問題 problem, three-body Coulomb
雙體問題 problem, two-body
雙核問題 problem, two-nucleon
程序;步驟 procedure
程序誤差 procedure error
收歛替代法 procedure, convergent iterative
經驗程序 procedure, empirical
實驗程序 procedure, experimental
替代法 procedure, iterative
操作程序 procedure, operating
操作程序 procedure, operational
計數前操作 procedure, pre-counting
安全程序;安全規程 procedure, safety
停機〔爐〕規程 procedure, shut-down
起動規程 procedure, start-up
簡單方法 procedure, straightfor-ward
選擇法;嘗試法 procedure, trial-and-error
處理;操作 process
操作警報限度 process alarm limit
程序障壁 process barrier
操作能力 process capability
〔資料〕處理計算機;程序計算機 process computer
過程計算機警報打字機 process computer alarm typewriter
〔資料〕處理計算機棒值最小限值 process computer RWM
〔產飾〕程序發展反應堆 process development pile
程序操作系統流程圖 process flow sheet
操作系統用氣體;程序氣體 process gas
操作系統輸入輸出硬體 process I/O hardware
操作系統儀表應用 process instrumentation
操作系統滲漏 process leakage
操作系統管道 process line
操作液體偵測系統 process liquid monitoring system
系統輻射偵測;程序輻射偵測 process radiation monitor
程序輻射偵測;系統輻射偵測 process radiation monitoring
程序輻射偵測系統 process radiation monitoring system
程序〔系統〕取樣系統 process sampling system
噴乾處理 process spray-drying
程序系統 process system
程序系統管路損壞 process system piping failure
處理過程變數 process variable
處理過程變量信號 process variable signal
累積過程 process, accumulative
活化淤泥過程 process, activatedsludge
絕熱過程 process, adiabatic
間歇操作 process, batch(-like)
化學分離過程 process, chemical separation
康卜吞過程 process, Compton
連績過程 process, continuous
王水稀釋過程;稀王水萃取法 process, Darex
擴散控制轉移過程 process, diffusioncontrolled transfer
王水稀釋過程;稀王水萃取法 process, dilute aquaregia
電子捕獲過程 process, electroncapture
吸能過程 process, exoergic
吸熱過程 process, exothermic
分裂過程 process, fission
生產過程 process, generating
替代法 process, iterative
撞出過程;擊返過程 process, knock-on
冶金分離過程 process, metallurgical separation
緩和過程 process, moderating
多次過程 process, multiple
多級過程 process, multistage
中子誘發過程 process, neutron-induced
核反應過程 process, nuclear
核級聯過程 process, nuclear-cascade
核能〔獲得〕過程 process, nuclear-energy
單循環過程 process, one-cycle
單量子過程 process, one-quantum
奧-飛過程 process, O-P
奧本海末耳-飛利浦過程 process, Oppenhelmer-Phillips
成對過程 process, pair
多次過程 process, plural
基本過程 process, primary
初級碰撞過程 process, primary collision
普雷克斯過程;鈽僱悃k process, Purex
高溫冶金過程 process, pyrometallur-gical
運動過程 process, rate
瑞立過程 process, Rayleigh
再生過程 process, regenerative
樹脂〔混入〕紙漿法 process, resin-in-pulp
分離過程 process, separation
散布過程 process, spreading
輔助過程 process, supporting
西拉德-查麥士過程 process, Szilard-Chalmers
托雷克斯過程;釷萃取法 process, Thorex
雙量子過程 process, two-quantum
基本過程 process, unit
競爭過程 processes, competitive
處理熱用反應器 process-hear reactor
處理損失 processing losses
燃料元件處理 processing of fuel elements
加工廠 processing plant
處理單位 processing unit
水處理 processing, aqueous
化學處理 processing, chemlcal
數據處理 processing, data
燃料處理 processing, fuel
高溫化學處理 processing, pyrochemical
輻射處理 processing, radiation
放射性〔物質〕處理 processing, radioactive
處理;加工 processing, treatment
偏動 procession
採購文件 procurement document
生產 produce
發生器 producer
中子發生器 producer, neutron
動力產生器 producer, power
生產的 producing
(一)產品;結果(二)積 product
產品稽查 product audit
活性產物 product, active
捕獲產物 product, capture
附加分裂產物 product, complementary fission
向量積 product, cross
子產物 product, daughter
分解產物 product, decomposition
蛻變產物 product, disintegration
標量積 product, dot
末端產物 product, end
最終產物 product, final
分裂產物 product, fission
百日齡分裂產物 product, hundred-days aged fission
中間產物 product, intermediate
原始分裂產物 product, primary fission
瞬發分裂產物 product, prompt fission
輻射產物 product, radiation
放射性產物 product, radioactive
放射性衰變產物 product, radioactivedecay
反衝產物 product, recoil
標量積 product, scalar
二次產物 product, secondary
散裂產物 product, spallation
第三類產物 product, tertiary
過渡分裂產物 product, transient fission
轉化產物 product, transmulation
向量積 product, vector
(一)生產率(二)產品 production
生產因數 production factor
產品核;子核 production nucleus
中子的生成 production of neutrons
動力生產 production of power
產物粒子;子粒子 production particle
生產堆;產鈽反應堆 production pile
生產率 production rate
生產反應器 production reactor
結合產生〔粒子〕 production, associated
分批生產 production, batch
射柱發生 production, beam
商用動力生產 production, commercial power
宇宙線中子生成 production, cosmic-ray neutron
直接形成 production, direct
經濟核能生產 production, economical nuclear-power
熱生產 production, heat
內轉換〔電子〕對產生 production, internal-conversion pair
介子形成 production, meson
多產 production, multiple
多介子生成 production, multiple meson
多派介子生成 production, multiple pion
中子產生 production, neutron
核動力生產 production, nuclearpower
成對產生 production, pair
介子光致產生 production, photomeson
星體光形成 production, photo-star
原始生產;一次生產 production, primary
輻射生產 production, radiation
放射同位素生產 production, radioisotope
星體形成 production, star
表面生成 production, surface
X射線產生 production, X-ray
陽離子分裂產物 products, cationic fission
含有分裂產物 products, contain fission
總分裂產物 products, gross fission
鈍性氣體分裂產物 products, inert-gas fission
混合分裂產物 products, mixed fission
非揮發性分裂產物 products, non-volatile fission
向量積 products, outer
蒸餾物 products, overhead
輻射損害產物 products, radiation damage
反應器產物 products, reactor
剩餘分裂產物 products, residual fission
〔飽f碇破裂產物 products, slug-rupture
穩定分裂產物 products, stable fission
三分裂產物 products, ternary fission
不穩分裂產物 products, unstable fission
揮發性分裂產物 products, volatie fission
廢料分裂產物 products, waste fission
輪廓 profile
側面圖 profile view
流體流速側面圖 profile, fluid-velocity
原〔始〕粒子 progenitor
次級粒子 progeny
次級穿透粒子 progeny, penetrating
程式;計畫 program
原子能太空用途計畫 program, Atoma-for-Space
核反應器研究計畫 program, nuclear-reactor research
鈽再循環計畫 program, plutonium-recycle
動力示範反應器計畫〔加拿大〕 program, Power Demonstration Reactor
程式設定水位;計畫水位 programmed level
計畫 programming
禁區 prohibited area
〔工程〕計畫;專案 project
工程建造經理 project construction manager
〔計畫〕工程指令 project direction
計畫工程師 project engineer
專案工程〔設計〕部門 project engineering
專案駐場工程師 project field engineer
投射焦點 project focal spot
專案工程計畫總辦公處 project home office
專案工程經理 project manager
飛機用核推進計畫〔美國〕 Project, Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion
軍用特種武器計畫〔美國〕 Project, Armed Force Special Weapons
原子計畫 project, atomic
原子能計畫 Project, Atomic Energy
航空母艦用反應器計畫 project, carrier-vessel reactor
曼哈頓計畫 Project, Manhattan
核動力計畫 project, nuclear power
鈽計畫 Project, Plutonium
雪伍得計畫 Project, Sherwood
(一)入射粒子(二)飛彈 projectile
(一)原子炮彈(二)入射原子 projectile, atomic
宇宙射線粒子 projectile, cosmic
撞擊核粒子 projectile, nuclear
(一)投射器(二)射源 projector
加馬射線源 projector, gamma-ray
廣角投射器;全景投射器 projector, panoramic
鏂 promethium
鏂發光化合物 promethium luminous compound
增進 promotion
反應激發 promotion, reaction
瞬臨界反應器 prompt critical reactor
瞬發劑量 prompt dose
反應度瞬發下降 prompt drop of reactivity
瞬發〔分裂〕中子 prompt fission neutrons
瞬間分裂產物 prompt fission product
瞬發加馬輻射 prompt gamma radiation
瞬發加馬輻射 prompt gamma rays
瞬發跳躍反應度 prompt jump reactivity
瞬發中子 prompt neutron
瞬發中子分數 prompt neutron fraction
瞬發核事件 prompt nuclear events
瞬發輻射 prompt radiation
瞬發反應度 prompt reactivity
瞬發反應器停機 prompt reactor shutdown
瞬時停機 prompt shutdown
瞬發時譜 prompt time spectrum
瞬〔超〕臨界 prompt-(super) critical
瞬臨〔界〕度 prompt-critiality
瞬間混合 prompted mixing
射線;射線徑跡 prong
黑徑跡 prong, black
灰徑跡 prong, grey
(一)試驗(二)耐久的 proof
(一)防護(二)不透的 proofing
傳播;擴散 propagate
傳播;擴散 propagation
隨機誤差之傳播 propagation of random errors
振動傳播 propagation of vibration
放電擴展 propagation, dischaarge
中子傳播 propagation, neutron
分布函數 propagator
單粒子分布函數 propagator, one-particl
丙烷游離腔 propane ionization chamber
推進劑 propellant
核推進劑 propellant, nuclear
固有能〔量〕 proper energy
固有振動 proper vibration
原子特性 properties, atomic
衰減特性 properties, attenuation
圍包特性 properties, blanket
滋生特性 properties, breeding
計數特性 properties, counting
衰變特性 properties, decay
擴散特性 properties, diffusion
乳化特性 properties, emulsification
傳熱特性 properties, heat-tran-sfer
慣性 properties, inertial
緩和特性 properties, moderating
中子反射性能 properties, neutron-deflecting
中子擴散性能 properties, neutron-diffusion
中子遷移性能 properties, neutron-transport
非核特性 properties, non-nuclear
核特性 properties, nuclear
去氣性能 properties, outgassing
放射測量特性 properties, radiometric
再生性能 properties, reproduc-function
散射特性 properties, scattering
屏蔽性能 properties, shielding
結構靈敏性能 properties, structure-sensitive
波性 properties, wave
性質;特性 property
前期 prophase
比例動作 proportional action
比例放大器 proportional amplifier
比例帶 proportional band
比例控制 proportional control
比例計數器 proportional counter
比例計數管 proportional counter tube
比例游離腔 proportional ionization chamber
比例泵 proportional pump
比例區 proportional region
正比性 proportionality
比例定位作用 proportional-position action
推進;發射 propulsion
推進反應器 propulsion reactor
原子推進 propulsion, atomic
核能推進 propulsion, nuclear
鏷 proroactinium
地獄神〔法國一反應器名稱〕 Proserpine
探礦 prospecting
探勘聽覺指示器 prospecting audioindicator
空中探勘 prospecting, airborne
放射性探勘 prospecting, radioactivity
探測者〔賒痍p數器之一種商標名〕 Prospector
鏷系元素 protactinide
鏷系元素 protactinides
鏷 protactinium
防護 protect
防護 protection
防護室 protection cell
防護因數 protection factor
防護程序 protection sequence
防護標準 protection standards
防護調查 protection survey
防護系統 protection system
防護系統失效模式 protection system failure modes
防護系統邏輯 protection system logic
防腐 protection, corrosion
尿結石防護層 protection, cysteine
視力保護;眼睛防護 protection, eye
保健 protection, health
職業性輻射防護 protection, occupational radiation
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